Our graduates maintain strong connections with our school via the "School Ties" Alumni magazine, Facebook Alumni Groups and much-anticipated School Reunions.
School Ties
We invite our old collegians to sign up to our "School Ties" Alumni magazine. To subscribe to School Ties or to update any change of postal address/email address details, please email: ybrschoolties@ybr.vic.edu.au.
Include your maiden name (if applicable) and graduating year.
Alumni Reunions
Our alumni reunion events provide opportunities for our Yeshivah and Beth Rivkah and old collegians to reconnect and reminisce. If you have a milestone reunion coming up, please contact us via: alumni@ybr.vic.edu.au.
Facebook Alumni groups
Yeshivah and Beth Rivkah graduates are invited to join our Facebook alumni groups where photos and memories are shared, continuing the connection. For further information please email: alumni@ybr.vic.edu.au.
Share Your News
Notify us of your special news! For engagement/wedding or baby news please email: announcements@ybr.vic.edu.au so we can include it in our next edition of School Ties.