About us
Child Safety Committee
The Child Safety Committee is a cross-campus body committed to the wellbeing of all students, and is an active extension of Yeshivah-Beth Rivkah Colleges and Pre-Schools. We are committed to safeguarding children through communication, support and comprehensive policies. The responsibility of the Welfare Committee is to promote the safety of all students and to foster academic, emotional, social, spiritual and physical development.
Our Child Safety Committee promotes the safety of all students and to foster academic, emotional, social, spiritual and physical development.
Promote the idea that student welfare is intrinsic to the education process
Oversee and monitor all pastoral care activities across Yeshivah-Beth Rivkah Colleges and Pre- Schools
Consider and advise the Principal and the Committee of Management on policy matters relating to student welfare
Communicate with teachers, students and parents on matters relating to student welfare
Raise awareness of support services available for students, staff and parents facing difficulties
Collect and share information relating to student welfare matters with relevant staff members to support holistic responses
Initiate, develop, co-ordinate and evaluate programs that promote student and staff welfare
Ensure that the Safeguarding Children Policies, Anti-Bullying Policies and other welfare policies and procedures are being followed
Review the Safeguarding Children Policies, Anti-Bullying Policies and other welfare policies and procedures to ensure that they remain relevant and meaningful
Accepting and support the referral of a student through any staff member, parent or through student self referral
Assessing and responding holistically to the welfare of a student or a school family
Participating in case discussions and case management with relevant staff and external professionals
Providing assistance and support across many areas e.g. behavior problems, student self- esteem, positive reinforcement, learning difficulties, home or peer problems
Accessing and compiling student background information, which may help in planning classroom strategies for dealing with students
Assisting students coping with life problems
It is important to note that the Welfare Committee functions as a subsidiary leadership team across YBR schools. As such they report to the College Principal, and via the College Principal to the Board of YBRSL. Should any members of the Welfare Committee feel the need to communicate with the YBRSL Board, they should, in the first instance, inform the College Principal and then communicate directly with the YBRSL Board. If the concern directly relates to the College Principal, in such instances the Child Safety Committee / Committee Member should proceed to communicate directly with the YBRSL Board Chairman without notifying the College Principal.
Barbara Belfer – Head of Yeshivah - Beth Rivkah Pre-Schools
Yamit Glasman – Head of Student Wellbeing, Beth Rivkah Secondary
Rabbi Chaim Dovid Wilhem – Head of Students Yeshivah Secondary
Rabbi Yisroel Sufrin – YBR Campus Rabbi
Aanchal Dhar – Student Wellbeing Coordinator
Jeremy Gold - Chief Operating Officer
Cindy Kree- Student Wellbeing Coordinator