Yeshivah - Beth Rivkah Colleges offers various Academic, General Excellence and Music Scholarships.
Yeshivah – Beth Rivkah offer various Academic, General Excellence and Music Scholarships.
We also offer a number of scholarships available to children not currently enrolled in a Jewish day school and for new entry into Yeshivah-Beth Rivkah Colleges.
Scholarships offered are as follows:
Goldshmiedt Family Scholarship
Rachmil and Roza Brin Scholarship
Ruben Freid Scholarship
Robert and Debbie Nossbaum Scholarship
Ezriel and Ewa Rabinowicz Scholarship
Robert and Ruth Epstein Scholarship
Mr Joseph and Helen o”h Frolich West Scholarship
Zalman Zehnwirth Scholarship
Erdi Foundation Scholarship
For more information please contact Parent Liaison on 9522 8222 or email enquiries@ybr.vic.edu.au